Thursday 9 October 2008

Topping up

During the turbulent trading the last few days I've made several top-up purchases, averaging down for the three companies in the portfolio.

- 500 SFR on the 6th of October, then another 750 on the 8th
- 1000 RCG on the 7th of October, then another 1000 on the 8th
- 1000 IPO on the 6th of October, then another 1000 on the 8th

This brings me to a total of 10 trades for approximately 8000 pounds total, with 145 pounds in trading cost. Cash balance is just over 4000 pounds and I am now holding stock as follows.

- 4000 RCG at total cost 2590 pounds
- 3000 IPO at total cost 2446 pounds
- 1500 SFR at ttotal cost 2861 pounds

An additional 1000 RCG, 1000 IPO and 500 SFR may be on the cards if the shares fall farther.

All of these are showing significant loss so far which was to be expected. In an ideal world I would be able to predict the exact bottom of the market then purchase all the shares I want at that instant. In the real world, I'm working full time so may not have access to trade at key times, the limits on trade quantities may prevent large-scale purchases and a rally can happen extremely quickly once sentiment turns. It is also not unknown for online broker services to fail at key moments due to enormous demand.

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